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Version: 2.3.0

ChaosCenter Cluster Scope Installation


Before deploying LitmusChaos, make sure the following items are there

  • Kubernetes 1.17 or later

  • A Persistent volume of 20GB


    Recommend to have a Persistent volume(PV) of 20GB, You can start with 1GB for test purposes as well. This PV is used as persistent storage to store the chaos config and chaos-metrics in the Portal. By default, litmus install would use the default storage class to allocate the PV. Provide this value

  • Helm3 or kubectl


Installation of Litmus can be done using either of the below methods

Install Litmus using Helm#

The helm chart will install all the required service account configuration and ChaosCenter.

The following steps will help you install Litmus ChaosCenter via helm.

Step-1: Add the litmus helm repository#

helm repo add litmuschaos repo list

Step-2: Create the namespace on which you want to install Litmus ChaosCenter#

  • The ChaosCenter can be placed in any namespace, but for this scenario we are choose litmus as the namespace.
kubectl create ns litmus

Step-3: Install Litmus ChaosCenter#

helm install chaos litmuschaos/litmus --namespace=litmus
Expected Output
NAME: chaosLAST DEPLOYED: Mon Nov 15 22:25:48 2021NAMESPACE: litmusSTATUS: deployedREVISION: 1TEST SUITE: NoneNOTES:Thank you for installing litmus ๐Ÿ˜€
Your release is named chaos and its installed to namespace: litmus.
Visit to find more info.

Note: Litmus uses Kubernetes CRDs to define chaos intent. Helm3 handles CRDs better than Helm2. Before you start running a chaos experiment, verify if Litmus is installed correctly.

Install Litmus using kubectl #

Install Litmus ChaosCenter#

Applying the manifest file will install all the required service account configuration and ChaosCenter.

kubectl apply -f

Verify your installation#

Verify if the frontend, server, and database pods are running#

  • Check the pods in the namespace where you installed Litmus:

    kubectl get pods -n litmus
    Expected Output
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS  RESTARTS  AGElitmusportal-frontend-97c8bf86b-mx89w   1/1     Running 2         6m24slitmusportal-server-5cfbfc88cc-m6c5j    2/2     Running 2         6m19smongo-0                                 1/1     Running 0         6m16s
  • Check the services running in the namespace where you installed Litmus:

    kubectl get svc -n litmus
    Expected Output
    NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S)                       AGElitmusportal-frontend-service   NodePort  <none>      9091:30229/TCP                7m14slitmusportal-server-service     NodePort  <none>      9002:30479/TCP,9003:31949/TCP 7m8smongo-service                   ClusterIP  <none>      27017/TCP                     7m6s

Accessing the ChaosCenter#

To setup and login to ChaosCenter expand the available services just created and copy the PORT of the litmusportal-frontend-service service

kubectl get svc -n litmus
Expected Output
NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGEchaos-litmus-portal-mongo       ClusterIP   <none>        27017/TCP                       2mlitmusportal-frontend-service   NodePort     <none>        9091:30385/TCP                  2mlitmusportal-server-service     NodePort    <none>        9002:32456/TCP,9003:31160/TCP   2m

Note: In this case, the PORT for litmusportal-frontend-service is 30385. Yours will be different.

Once you have the PORT copied in your clipboard, simply use your IP and PORT in this manner <NODEIP>:<PORT> to access the Litmus ChaosCenter.

For example:

Where is my NodeIP and 30385 is the frontend service PORT. If using a LoadBalancer, the only change would be to provide a <LoadBalancerIP>:<PORT>. Learn more about how to access ChaosCenter with LoadBalancer

You should be able to see the Login Page of Litmus ChaosCenter. The default credentials are

Username: adminPassword: litmus

By default you are assigned with a default project with Owner permissions.

Verify Successful Registration of the Self Agent#

Once the project is created, the cluster is automatically registered as a chaos target via installation of ChaosAgents. This is represented as Self-Agent in ChaosCenter.

kubectl get pods -n litmus
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEchaos-exporter-547b59d887-4dm58          1/1     Running   0          5m27schaos-operator-ce-84ddc8f5d7-l8c6d       1/1     Running   0          5m27sevent-tracker-5bc478cbd7-xlflb           1/1     Running   0          5m28slitmusportal-frontend-97c8bf86b-mx89w    1/1     Running   0          15mlitmusportal-server-5cfbfc88cc-m6c5j     2/2     Running   1          15mmongo-0                                  1/1     Running   0          15msubscriber-958948965-qbx29               1/1     Running   0          5m30sworkflow-controller-78fc7b6c6-w82m7      1/1     Running   0          5m32s


Learn more#