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Version: 2.3.0

Collecting metrics using Prometheus

LitmusChaos facilitates real-time monitoring for events and metrics using it’s native chaos exporter. These events and metrics can be exported into any TSDBs (Time-series databases) to overlay on top of application performance graphs and also as additional visualizations for chaos testing statistics. To set up or configure your monitoring infrastructure to support litmus chaos events and metrics, we provide both service endpoints and service monitors setup.

Before you begin#

The following should be required before integrating Prometheus in litmus 2.0:

Prometheus deployment with scrape job#

  • Clone the litmus repo
git clone litmus/monitoring
  • Create monitoring namespace on the cluster
kubectl create ns monitoring
  • Deploy prometheus components
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/prometheus/prometheus-scrape-configuration/
  • Deploy metrics exporters
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/node-exporter/kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/kube-state-metrics/
  • Deploy chaos-exporter when the cluster is not connected to litmus 2.0 control plane via litmus agent (exporter is installed as a part of the agent bundle)
kubectl -n litmus apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/litmus-metrics/chaos-exporter/

Sample scrape job

- job_name: 'chaos-exporter'  static_configs:    - targets: ['chaos-exporter.litmus.svc.cluster.local:8080']  relabel_configs:    - target_label: instance      replacement: 'chaos-exporter-service'

Prometheus operator with service monitor#

  • Clone the litmus repo
git clone litmus/monitoring
  • Create monitoring namespace on the cluster
kubectl create ns monitoring
  • Create the operator to instantiate all CRDs
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/prometheus/prometheus-operator/
  • Deploy monitoring components
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters-with-service-monitors/node-exporter/kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/metrics-exporters-with-service-monitors/kube-state-metrics/
  • Deploy chaos-exporter when the cluster is not connected to litmus 2.0 control plane via litmus agent (exporter is installed as a part of the agent bundle)
kubectl -n litmus apply -f utils/metrics-exporters-with-service-monitors/litmus-metrics/chaos-exporter/
  • Deploy prometheus instance and all the service monitors for targets
kubectl -n monitoring apply -f utils/prometheus/prometheus-configuration/

Sample service monitor

apiVersion: ServiceMonitormetadata:  name: chaos-exporter  labels:    k8s-app: chaos-exporter  namespace: litmusspec:  jobLabel: app  selector:    matchLabels:      app: chaos-exporter  namespaceSelector:    matchNames:      - litmus  endpoints:    - port: tcp      interval: 1s      metricRelabelings:        - targetLabel: instance          replacement: 'chaos-exporter-service'

Prometheus community version (helm) - kube-prometheus-stack with pod monitor#

  • Clone the litmus repo
git clone litmus/monitoring
  • Deploy chaos-exporter when the cluster is not connected to litmus 2.0 control plane via litmus agent (exporter is installed as a part of the agent bundle)
kubectl -n litmus apply -f utils/metrics-exporters/litmus-metrics/chaos-exporter/
  • Create monitoring namespace on the cluster
kubectl create ns monitoring
  • Install prometheus via helm
helm repo add prometheus-community repo updatehelm install prom prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring
  • Create the pod monitor as specified
apiVersion: PodMonitormetadata:  name: chaos-exporter-monitor  namespace: monitoring  labels:    release: prometheus-stackspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: chaos-exporter  namespaceSelector:    matchNames:      - litmus  podMetricsEndpoints:    - port: tcp    - interval: 1s      metricRelabelings:        - targetLabel: instance          replacement: 'chaos-exporter-service'

Prometheus alertmanager for generating alerts for experiment results#

Prometheus alerts can be triggered on alertmanager based on chaos experiment verdicts, probe success percentage and related metadata on the metric litmuschaos_experiment_verdict from chaos-exporter


promProbe for prometheus metrics#

The promProbe allows users to run Prometheus queries and match the resulting output against specific conditions. The intent behind this probe is to allow users to define metrics-based SLOs in a declarative way and determine the experiment verdict based on its success. The probe runs the query on a Prometheus server defined by the endpoint, and checks whether the output satisfies the specified criteria.

Know more on promProbe here


Learn More#