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Version: 2.3.0

ChaosCenter with OAuth2 Login Support


Before deploying LitmusChaos, make sure the following items are there

  • Kubernetes 1.17 or later

  • A Persistent volume of 20GB


    Recommend to have a Persistent volume(PV) of 20GB, You can start with 1GB for test purposes as well. This PV is used as persistent storage to store the chaos config and chaos-metrics in the Portal. By default, litmus install would use the default storage class to allocate the PV. Provide this value

  • kubectl

  • Deployed ChaosCenter

  • Atleast one of the following

    • Google Oauth credentials
    • GitHub Oauth credentials

Deploy Dex OIDC provider#

In order to enable OAuth2 and to be able to login via Google and GitHub, litmus uses Dex OIDC

Make sure you have your Google and GitHub Client credentials ready, if you do not have them, you can generate one yourself

Configuring Dex OIDC provider#

curl --output dex-deployment.yaml
  1. Open the file with your favorite text-editor
  2. You will find the following config-map with some data, replace your data as the comments suggests
    issuer: http://<NODE_IP>:32000  # Replace your NODE_IP herestorage:  type: kubernetes  config:    inCluster: trueweb:  http:  - id: LitmusPortalAuthBackend    redirectURIs:      - '/auth/dex/callback'      - 'http://localhost:8080/auth/dex/callback' # Included for local testing purposes    name: 'LitmusPortalAuthBackend'    secret: ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0oauth2:    skipApprovalScreen: trueconnectors:  - type: google    id: google    name: Google    config:      clientID: # Add your Google Client ID here      clientSecret: # Add your Google Client Secret here      redirectURI: http://<NODE_IP>:32000 # Replace your NODE_IP here  - type: github    id: github    name: GitHub    config:      clientID: # Add your GitHub Client ID here      clientSecret: # Add your GitHub Client Secret here      redirectURI: http://<NODE_IP>:32000/callback  # Replace your NODE_IP here

Note: The Dex OIDC provider runs at NODE_IP:32000 by default

After the configuration, deploy the Dex deployment using the following command:

kubectl apply -f dex-deployment.yaml

You should now see the dex-server deployed in the litmus namespace!

kubectl get pods -n litmus
Expected Output
NAME                                      READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGElitmusportal-dex-server-7f7658b57-lbbxc   1/1     Running             0          107slitmusportal-frontend-74d456746f-56v9x    1/1     Running             0          5m57slitmusportal-server-9c4d85f57-5r6km       2/2     Running             0          5m57smongo-0                                   1/1     Running             0          5m57s

Configuring litmusportal-server to enable Dex features#

To set up Dex, we would require to modify our litmusportal-server a bit in order to communicate with Dex. This will be achieved by adding some environment variables

  • OIDC_ISSUER: The place where the Dex OIDC lives, i.e NODE_IP:32000
  • DEX_ENABLED: This variable enables dex features in the litmusportal-server
  • CALLBACK_URL: This is the url that will be called back after user completes thier OAuth, this will be the litmusportal-frontend service

Set your variables using

kubectl set env deployment/litmusportal-server -n litmus --containers="auth-server" DEX_SERVER="true", OIDC_ISSUER=<REPLACE_NODE_IP>:32000, CALLBACK_URL=<REPLACE_litmusportal_frontend_Service>

Your litmusportal-server pod will be restarted and Dex features will be enabled!

Verifying if OAuth2 is enabled#

Go to http://litmusportal-frontend-service/auth/dex/login, you should be prompted with Google or GitHub login



Learn more#